
In 1985, an idea was born. This idea was to encourage young people to understand the importance and the joy of singing praises to God. Within a year a small choral group was formed. It was exciting and new. Under the direction of a young man named Randy Hargett, this group became more than just a bunch of kids, we became family. We not only sang together; we laughed, loved and cried together.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Just As I Am

This was originally part of a medley entitled "The Great Invitation". It is from the album
"What A Day That Will Be"
recorded in 1990.

This is a rough draft and will more than likely be remixed with
new and/or different footage in the near future.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Evangelistic efferts have been dicribed in scripture as light, in particular a candle. A candle will bring light to any room, beginning at it's source and radiating outward until it has reached the limit of it's power. After over 20 years, the music has not reached that limit yet. Rencently Randy sent me a few copies of the older albums. As I sat listening to one of them in my office, several people came in and wanted more. If you have ever wondered why God chose the avenue of song; that is the answer.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Contributed by Darrell Silas

Friday, August 28, 2009

FACEBOOK: The Acappella Singers: The Original T. A. S.

For those of you on facebook I've got awesome news! Our little ol' chorus has a fan site. That's right! Just look, join and enjoy. Many of you are already members but I know some of you may not have heard about it yet. Check it out!

Also the 728b network on YouTube shows some video's and music from the good ol' days. Check out the links section on this blog to connect.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

God's Family

Hard Fightin' Soldier

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It Got me where I need to be!

Last year at this time. I was bed ridden. I had just returned from two months in the hospital where I endured four major surgeries. One of which was open heart. It gave me much time to think about my lot in life. Where I've been, where I am and where I am going. So many thoughts race through your mind when the only thing you can physically do is... THINK!

I realized that my formative years (the teens) pretty much set me on the course that has lead me to the place that I am now. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not saying it was all wine and roses, on the contrary, there was some major pain and strife that was part of that season of life.

You have fights with friends, you get your heart broken by that teenage crush and you wallow in a little self pity for a while. Do you wanna know something? It's OK! Sometimes you need a little slap in the face a little time in the mire if for no other reason to learn the lesson that you don't have to stay in the mud.

Of course there are those time I wish I could relive. We all have those moments. And they are GOLD!

I recall a sermon I once heard by W. T. Alison. (Y'all know who that is) He recited a poem and the last phrase echoes in my mind as I write this.

"Memory is one gift of God that death cannot destroy".

Because He gave me a song,
Jimmy Bagwell

Old Style New Audience!

It took some time but I have managed to gather together many of our recordings. Although I am still missing a few. What's interesting, though, is the ones I had on cassette I converted to MP3's so I could listen to them in my car and on my IPOD. (I have to confess that I did a little tweaking in my home studio) Friends of mine from way up here in Michigan liked the stuff. Who can blame them really!

I am constantly being asked for copies so they too can enjoy the smooth grooves of "TAS". Do you get nostalgic? Me too.

I'm still missing a few of the album's but I'm sure I can track them down eventually. If you have copies let me know. To find out what I'm missing just look at the discography.